Monday, July 5, 2010

The Secret To Longer Hair

Simplicity. Keeping your regimen as simple as possible can help you grow your hair to its longest lengths. I know that some readers are reading through some of the old blog posts and have become overwhelmed by different products but it's true... A simple regimen can yield great results.

An example of a simple regimen would be shampooing with a moisturizing shampoo, conditioning with a moisturizing conditioner, and deep conditioning with a moisturizing conditioner weekly (and a light reconstructor/moisturizing conditioner mix bi-weekly or as needed). As I said before, it's only an example.

If you're just starting out, it could be a great regimen and you can modify it along the way. Oh, by the way, daily moisturizing isn't a must. You should know when your hair needs to be moisturized.

Also, a good diet of protein and vitamins wouldn't hurt. As I mentioned earlier this month, protein shakes are great for hair since hair is dead protein.

Courtesy of The Coarse Hair Diary

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